The Hall has been serving the community since 1879. For more information on its history, go to A Brief History.
West End Village Hall is a registered charity (Registered 25th April 1973, Registration Number 264528). The object of the charity is to provide a hall that can be booked by the general public for a variety of uses.
The governing document is the Lease and Trust Deed dated 26th November 1971. The lessors are the Vicar and Churchwardens of Christ Church, Esher and the lessees are the trustees of the Charity.
The Charity is run by the charity's trustees. Trustees are appointed at an Annual General Meeting and consist of a number of elected board members and representatives of local organisations which have an interest in the Hall.
Current trustees are:
Jo Flippance (Chairman)
Rebecca Finnamore (Treasurer)
Paul Gibson
Leila Nightingale
Susan Lynn
Helen Yates (West End Playgroup representative)
Judith Foster (West End Sports and Social Club representative)
Donald Elms (Ember Manor Lodge representative)
Nina Maddows (West End Summer Show representative)
More Information
For information on the frequent users of the Hall and a timetable of activities, please see What's On.
For information on how to book the Hall, please see Bookings.
For information on facilities, equipment and typical uses of the Hall, please see Facilities.
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, please see FAQ.